Admin User Guide Document

Sign Up

Thank you so much for your interest in GoodGames. We’re excited about what our gamified tools can do for you. To begin, go to to login or sign up for an account.

If you have an account, Enter your username or email and password to login.

Forgot Password

If you’ve forgotten your password, click the Forgot Password? link under the password text field. Enter the email address associated with your account, and you’ll receive an email with instructions on how to reset your password.

New Account

If you don’t have an account, just click the ‘sign up’ button to go to our sign up page.

Simply enter your information, First Name, Last Name, Email Address, your Phone Number is optional, then a password. Passwords are case sensitive and must contain at least one uppercase letter, one lower case letter, a number, and be at least 8 characters long. If you’d like to see the password you’ve entered, you can view your password by clicking the eye icon. Clicking it again will hide your password. Confirm your password by typing it again in the next field. 

You’ll need to accept the terms in the License Agreement which you can read by clicking the highlighted License Agreement link.

You can also opt in or out of marketing emails and opt in or out to receive Admin notifications through your email. If you turn notification emails off, you won’t be notified via email about updates and changes to events and games. 

Once you’ve filled everything out, click Sign Up.

New Account Through Email

You may have received an email invite from an existing Admin to join their organization. If that’s the case, just click the ‘Join Organization’ button in the email invite you received. That will automatically take you to the Sign Up page – you will be connected to the organization that invited you automatically once you’ve finished signing up. 

Joining Or Creating An Organization

Once you sign up, you’ll be asked to Join an existing organization or create a new organization. If you were invited to join an organization, click the Join button. Enter the invite code you received in your invitation email. If you didn’t receive an invitation email and you’ve been asked to join an organization, you can get the invite code from the person who invited you. It was generated when they invited you. 

They can also find it in their Pending Invites list under the Admin Management section of the Admin Dashboard.

If you were not invited by someone, you’ll need to create an organization to get started. Simply click the Create button.

To create an organization, you’ll need to enter your organization’s information. Fill in the appropriate text fields with your information. Organization name, organization address including your city, state or province, zip code, and country. Submit your information and you’re in!

Admin Dashboard

After you’ve created your organization, you’ll be taken directly to the Admin Dashboard. It’s a good idea to take a quick look around and get oriented. In the center is your Events List. It will be empty initially because you haven’t yet created an event.

Up in the right hand corner, you have your notifications. Notifications based on organization, event, and game activity will show up here. Your name is in the upper right corner. Clicking on your name will drop down a menu. You can view and edit your profile under the My Profile option. You can also logout here.

At the bottom you’ll find your subscription status. It shows you how many games you’ve played this month and the number of participants you’re allotted in a single game or event based on your subscription. To change your subscription you can email us at

On the left hand side are your dashboard options. The three lines at the top hide and show the options menu.

Update Your Profile

To edit your profile, click the My Profile option available when you click your name in the upper right corner. This will take you to the Admin Profile screen. You can edit your name, email address, or add your phone number. You can also opt out or in for email notifications or email marketing if you’d like to stay on top of the latest products from GoodGames. Click Save Changes to update your profile.

Change Your Password

You can also change your password in this screen by entering your current password in the Current Password text field. Type in a new password and confirm it by typing it again and click Update Password to finish.


Creating An Event

When you click on Events, you’ll be taken to a dedicated events list page. To create a new event, click the Create Event button with the little plus sign. 

When you click it, a window will appear where you can enter your event’s information. Here you’ll enter your event details including Event Name, Estimated Run Date, Estimated Number of Participants, and the Organization the event is under. This option exists because you may be part of multiple organizations or teams that each have an account. Once you’ve entered your information, click ‘Create Event.’ 

The Event Name is exactly what it suggests, just the name for this event. The Estimated Run Date is the date you intend for the event to run. The Estimated number of Participants is how many people you expect to join the game – we’ll keep track of the actual number automatically, but this helps you determine if you’re hitting your expected participant numbers.

Now, the event appears in your Event List. You see the event name, which admin account created it – this will be the email address of the admin, which is also their login ID, and the estimated run date and number of participants you entered. There are also Actual Run Date and Actual Participant columns that will be filled in after the event is completed. There’s also an organization label on the Events List to help organize your events by Organization.

Deleting An Event

You have the ability to delete an event by clicking the red trash can icon at the end of the event’s row. You cannot undo a deleted event so please make sure that you want to delete it before you lose all the configuration data for that event. Games within the event that have already been run will still count towards your monthly game total even if you delete the event.

Copy An Event

You also have the ability to copy an event. If you’re running consistent events with similar games, it’s often convenient to copy an event and change or update small details instead of starting a new event from scratch. 

Event Details

If you click on the event name in your Events List, you’re taken to the event details page. This is where you will add games to your event and keep track of some of the event details. At the top, next to the event’s name, you can edit your event name by clicking on the edit icon – it looks like a little notepad. You can also adjust the estimated participants and run date information.

Also at the top of the event details, you’ll find the number of participants is tallied. This number will increase as people join your event by clicking the EVENT URL. The Event URL is to the right of the total participants number above the event details. This is important as this is how your participants will access the event and its games. Clicking the Copy Event URL button copies the event URL to your browser’s clipboard which you’re then able to paste in a chat, email, put it into a QR code generator, however you decide you’re going to share the event link with participants.

Adding Games

You can add as many games as you want to a single event. However, you will not be able to start a game if doing so will surpass your monthly game allotment. Your subscription also comes with a participant limit. That limit applies to each game you play. Participant levels are not cumulative, meaning, participant subscription levels do not refer to how many participants you have in an overall event but how many participants play each game.

To add a game, inside an event’s details, click the Add Game button with the little plus sign. Here we see a drop down menu that has all currently available games. Click the drop down arrow and choose the game you want to add to the event then click Create Game. The game now appears in your View Games list.

Rearranging Games

Each game that you add will appear in your View Games list. You can also rearrange the games by clicking and dragging any game into your preferred order. 

Delete A Game

If you’d like to remove a game, you can delete the game by first clicking the game’s title, going over to the Configure Game tab, scroll all the way to the bottom and click Delete Game. The game will be removed from your View Games list. You cannot delete a game once it has started. And deleted games cannot be restored. A game that has already been run cannot be deleted.

Organization Management

Every account can be an Admin in more than one organization. An account can both start organizations and manage them or join an organization that already exists. Each organization will have a subscription that will be paid monthly. An organization can have many admins – currently we don’t charge extra for admins, but there is a fee for every organization.

Creating A New Organization

To create a new organization, on the left hand side of your Admin Dashboard screen, click Organization Management. Here you see a list of your organizations. To create one, just like when you signed up initially, go to the top and click the Create button with the little plus sign. Fill in your organization’s information with the Name and Address including city, state or province, zip code, and country, and click Create. The organization will then appear in your Organizations List.

Joining An Existing Organization

If you’re joining an existing organization, go to the top of the page and click the Join button. You’ll need the invite code from the Admin that invited you to join or from the email they sent you when they requested you join the organization. If you did receive an email invitation to join the organization, there is a button inside that email that will take you to your Admin Dashboard where you can navigate to the Organization Management tab and follow the instructions to join an existing organization.

Enter the invite code into the text field and click the Join button. The organization will now appear in your Organizations List.

Edit Organization Information

Also on the organization management page, you have the ability to edit the information of your organization by clicking the pencil icon under the Edit Info column. Simply update the information then click Save Changes. Only Admins with a Super Admin role will be able to edit an organization’s information.

Deleting An Organization

You also have the ability to delete an organization. On your organization management page, locate the organization you want to delete, and click the red trash can icon under the Delete column. Please remember that you cannot undo the deletion and only the Admin that created the organization can delete it. Click Delete Organization and it will be removed from your Organizations List along with all of the organizations events and games.

Organization List Filters

You also have the ability to search or filter the organizations in your Organization List. At the top of your list is a Columns button. If you click it, you can show or hide various columns by clicking the blue slider button next to the column headings leaving only the ones that are of interest to you. 

Additionally, next to the Columns button, is a Filters button. Clicking that allows you to filter between column titles, set parameters like contains, equals, starts with, etc, and then the search value you’re looking for. Enter in your search, hit enter, and the results will appear in your Organizations List. A useful tool for accounts with multiple organizations. An example of this might be that if each department at your organization has their own subscription, making you an Admin within another department allows you to create events and facilitate games within that department’s subscription instead of your own.

Finally, you have the ability to set how many organizations appear in your Organizations List at the bottom of the table with this drop down arrow. You can list anywhere from 5 up to 100 organizations per page. Navigating additional pages is easy, too, with the left and right arrows.

Admin Management

You have the ability to add as many Admins as you like for any organization that you are an Admin for. To do this, from your Admin Dashboard, locate the Admin Management tab on the left hand side. Clicking this brings you to your Member Management list. Members are separated via organization. Here you can see each organization’s creator and their email.

To view an organization’s list of Admins, click the down arrow at the end of the organization’s row. This will reveal the organization’s details. All of this organization’s members will appear in the Admin’s List. 

Admins can add events and games and start and run games. They cannot change an organization’s information or delete an organization. Super Admins have all the same permissions as an Admin but can change an organization’s information.

Add An Admin To An Organization

To add an Admin to an organization, under the organization’s Admin Member list, click the Invite Admin button with the little plus sign. A window will pop up that will allow you to fill in the first and last name of the admin and enter their email address. Fill in the information and click Create Invite. A new window will open giving you the option to send an invite to the recipient via email or give you an invite code that you can share with the recipient.

Sending an email will send an invitation to the email address you provided. This email contains instructions on how to join. You can also copy the invite code by clicking on the copy icon to the right of the code. The recipient can put that code into the appropriate text box when they Join An Organization.

Once the person you’ve invited enters the code, they will appear in your Admin Member list for that organization. If they don’t appear immediately, simply hit the refresh button and they should appear in the list.

Pending Invites

Once you’ve invited someone to an organization, you can view and manage their invitation. To do so, locate the organization that you’d like to view the pending invites for, click the drop down arrow located all the way to the right on that organization’s row to reveal that organization’s details. At the top of the Admin Members list is a View Pending Invites button. Click that and a window will open that shows all pending invites and their email addresses. 

This is also where you will see their unique invite code. It’s a good place to go if the invite code is somehow lost. You can also cancel the invitation by clicking the red trash can icon under the Cancel Invite column of the pending invitation.

Change An Admin Role

In the Admin Member list you can manage your Admins by changing their member role from Admin to Super Admin. To change an Admin’s role, click the pencil icon under the Member Role column next to the Admin you’d like to change in your Admin Members list. The drop down arrow will give you the option between Admin and Super Admin. Save the changes and the role has been changed.

Remove An Admin

To remove an Admin from an organization, simply click the red trash can icon located under the Remove Member column of the member you’d like to remove in your Admin Members list. Once you click the icon, the admin will be removed from the list.

Admin Filters

For organizations with a lot of Admins, you can use the Columns and Filters buttons to better find and organize your Admins. The Column button appears at the top of your Admin Members list. Here you can hide and show various columns by clicking the blue sliders next to the column headers leaving only those columns that you’re interested in viewing. 

Additionally, clicking the Filters button at the top of the list and next to the Columns button, allows you to set parameters that will help search for Admins. You can set it by column header with the first drop down menu, assign a parameter like ‘contains,’ ‘equals,’ ‘starts’ with, etc, and then enter a search term under value. Press enter and your results will be displayed in the Admin Members list.

Finally, you can change how many Admins appear in the Admin Member’s list. At the bottom of the list is a drop down menu that allows you to show anywhere between 5 and 100 Admins and the ability to navigate to each page of the list with left and right arrows.

Billing and Subscription Information

On your Admin Dashboard, you’ll find Billing on the left hand side. Clicking it will take you to your Subscription Information. Here, you will see all the subscription information for each organization you are an admin for including how many games and participants are allowed each month.

Subscription Changes

If you would like to make a change to your subscription, simply send an email query to and a Sales Rep will assist you.