Your Conference Transformed

We use our innovative platform and methodology to supercharge your conference engagement strategy from planning to event.


Power your conferences with our leading-edge engagement platform and discover how our tools can make your next event unforgettable.

Seamlessly and anonymously collect expectations from attendees at the outset. Having participants share in their own words what they hope to gain from the conference gives Conference Planners the opportunity to tailor sessions and activities to meet these hopes effectively.

Then, at the conclusion, we’ll run another engaging session to grab meaningful takeaways that not only give a sense of what participants found meaningful, but this qualitative data allows us to compare goals and takeaways to get real insight into your conference’s experience as a whole and ideas for what may be most impactful moving forward.

Strategically placed QR codes throughout the space empowers attendees to provide anonymous, immediate feedback on every aspect of your conference, from logistical details, like the availability of amenities (“the coffee station is out of soy milk!”) to broader themes such as session content and presentation impact. 

This actionable feedback enables planners to make immediate, real-time adjustments, ensuring a seamless and impactful event experience for all participants.

Gone are the days of awkward, clumsy mic moments and irrelevant questions. With our platform, your Conference Q&A moderation team can now seamlessly and anonymously collect and assess crowd questions in real-time, ensuring a smooth and impactful interaction between presenters and attendees.

Our Enagagement Experts can facilitate or moderate the Q&A after a speaker or in a panel discussion. Or, we can equip existing presenters or moderators with the ability to harness the power of real-time feedback.

Anonymous Feedback

One of the principles of our platform is the ability for participants to interact anonymously. We believe this produces honest and candid answers to questions providing more actionable outcomes.

We’ve taken that principle into the event space to provide that functionality to the conference experience overall.

Throughout the conference, giving your participants every opportunity to share their experience and thoughts truly leaves no stone unturned. With our ability to analyze and categorize answers and the ability to strategically design these opportunities, you’ll have deeper insight into your conference experience than ever before.

Q&A Moderation

We’ve all been in one of the two following scenarios:

1. Someone finishes a talk or presentation, they turn to the audience and ask for questions or comments, and….crickets. Dreaded crickets.


2. Someone DOES have a question or comment, a staff member slowly fights there way to the question-asker, and several clunky minutes later, you get a comment or a question that’s irrelevant. You don’t want to be rude, so they do their best to answer it.

This is the hardest part of many conferences. The good news is, it doesn’t have to be this way.

Our platform collects audience questions digitally in real time and then applies process to prioritize interactions based on relevance and popularity.

Not only that, but all the amazing participation metrics we capture in all of our sessions still apply here. We get a sense of comprehension and understanding coming from the questions and interactions themselves giving planners, leadership, and speakers more insight than ever into their content.

Goal Setting and Takeaways

One of the best parts of our methodology allows conference planners to seamlessly and anonymously collect expectations from attendees at the outset AND conclusion of the conference. This allows leadership to understand what participants hope to gain from the conference so they can tailor sessions and activities to meet these needs effectively.

Similarly, grabbing these same insights from participants in a fun and engaging way at the conferences conclusion not only gives a sense of how participants felt the conference went but it generates a ton of comparative data that we can use to fine tune your conference as a whole.

Participation Metrics

While none of our games capture identifying data, we do capture an incredible amount of participation data.

This data is helpful in better understanding everything that’s really going on within any single interaction or session at the participant level.

It can not only showcase where an individual has had a great experience but can also capture how universal that experience was. It can communicate an understanding or misunderstanding in content, highlight categories and themes based on answers, and so much more.

Quizzes, Trivia, Word Clouds, & Polling

Quizzes, trivia, word clouds, and polling have become ubiquitous with an engaged, interactive experience. That’s why our tools have been designed with all of these needs in mind. Only we apply the same advanced level of social gamification science and methodology to all of our processes giving us a leg up on existing platforms and methods. We are strategic in how we apply them taking into consideration learning, informational, and presentation goals. It’s all the features you’ve come to love in this space taken to the next level. It’s a great service for planners and presenters alike.

Plus, our metrics gathering combined with all of these features and services gives the conference a lot of ‘leave behinds’ or shareable results pages and PDFs for participants. Share these materials in an event app to encourage attendance at other sessions or post-conference as a reminder of all the great work that was done.